Append and/or Update Data to Table created Dynamically...
You created a table on-the-fly...
...and now you need to add data to it. First thing to do is APPEND data that will serve as a Primary Key to the newly created table, i.e. Account Number, Company Name, etc... Let's call this one qappFiveYearsData.
Now the code to UPDATE the balance of the table with data. (Note, the qryServiceCallCount was needed to get total count of Service Calls for every year for each Account (Customer).)
And finally, a command button can added to the Form placing the below in the On_Click event...
Call MakeAYDTable
DoCmdSetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qappFiveYearsData"
DoCmdSetWarnings True
Call UpdateServiceCalls
As you see, not that hard, it probably will take more time to write the code than it will to run it! Have fun!
This code needs Error Handling!
The difficult I do immediately, the impossible takes a little bit longer.
Function UpdateServiceCalls()
Dim strSQL1, strSQL2, strSQL3, strSQL4, strSQL5 As String
Dim YearMinus0, YearMinus1, YearMinus2, YearMinus3, YearMinus4 As Long
YearMinus0 = Year(Date)
YearMinus1 = Year(Date) - 1
YearMinus2 = Year(Date) - 2
YearMinus3 = Year(Date) - 3
YearMinus4 = Year(Date) - 4
strSQL1 = "UPDATE qryServiceCallCount INNER JOIN tblFiveYearsData ON qryServiceCallCount.eAccountNumber= tblFiveYearsData.fydAccountNumber " & _
"SET [" & YearMinus0 & "-ServiceCalls" & "] = [qryServiceCallCount]![CountOfscServiceCallID] " & _
"WHERE qryServiceCallCount.yYear=Year(Date())"
strSQL2 = "UPDATE qryServiceCallCount INNER JOIN tblFiveYearsData ON qryServiceCallCount.eAccountNumber = tblFiveYearsData.fydAccountNumber " & _
"SET [" & YearMinus1 & "-ServiceCalls" & "] = [qryServiceCallCount]![CountOfscServiceCallID] " & _
"WHERE qryServiceCallCount.yYear=Year(Date()-1)"
strSQL3 = "UPDATE qryServiceCallCount INNER JOIN tblFiveYearsData ON qryServiceCallCount.eAccountNumber = tblFiveYearsData.fydAccountNumber " & _
"SET [" & YearMinus2 & "-ServiceCalls" & "] = [qryServiceCallCount]![CountOfscServiceCallID] " & _
"WHERE qryServiceCallCount.yYear=Year(Date()-2)"
strSQL4 = "UPDATE qryServiceCallCount INNER JOIN tblFiveYearsData ON qryServiceCallCount.eAccountNumber = tblFiveYearsData.fydAccountNumber " & _
"SET [" & YearMinus3 & "-ServiceCalls" & "] = [qryServiceCallCount]![CountOfscServiceCallID] " & _
"WHERE qryServiceCallCount.yYear=Year(Date()-3)"
strSQL5 = "UPDATE qryServiceCallCount INNER JOIN tblFiveYearsData ON qryServiceCallCount.eAccountNumber = tblFiveYearsData.fydAccountNumber " & _
"SET [" & YearMinus4 & "-ServiceCalls" & "] = [qryServiceCallCount]![CountOfscServiceCallID] " & _
"WHERE qryServiceCallCount.yYear=Year(Date()-4)"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL1, dbFailOnError
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL2, dbFailOnError
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL3, dbFailOnError
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL4, dbFailOnError
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL5, dbFailOnError
End Function
Function MakeAYDTable()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field
'Initialize the table.
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set tdf = db.CreateTableDef("tblFiveYearsData")
'Specify the fields.
With tdf
Set fld = .CreateField("fydAccountNumber", dbLong)
.Fields.Append fld
.Fields.Append .CreateField("fydCompanyName", dbText, 75)
.Fields.Append .CreateField(Year(Date) & "-ServiceCalls", dbDouble)
.Fields.Append .CreateField(Year(Date) - 1 & "-ServiceCalls", dbDouble)
.Fields.Append .CreateField(Year(Date) - 2 & "-ServiceCalls", dbDouble)
.Fields.Append .CreateField(Year(Date) - 3 & "-ServiceCalls", dbDouble)
.Fields.Append .CreateField(Year(Date) - 4 & "-ServiceCalls", dbDouble)
End With
db.TableDefs.Append tdf
Set fld = Nothing
Set tdf = Nothing
'Clean up
Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow 'Show the changes
Set fld = Nothing
Set tdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Function