To call the Function, bring up the Immediate window (Ctrl + G) OR open any Module and on the Menu Bar select
View... Immediate Window. Then type...
?CopyFieldRecords(pstrRST, pstrFieldToCopy, pstrID)
pstrRST = "YourTableName"
pstrFieldToCopy = "YourFieldName" 'The name of the field that you want to copy down
pstrID = "IDField"
Function CopyFieldRecords(pstrRST As String, pstrField As String, pstrID As String) As Boolean
'Originally posted by David in the Newsgroups in 1999
Dim db As Database
Dim rec As Recordset
Dim vCopyDown As Variant
CopyFieldRecords = True
On Error GoTo err_copyrecords
vCopyDown = Null
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Select * FROM [" & YourTable & "]")
While Not rec.EOF
'If the field isn't blank then use this to copy down
If Nz(rec(pstrField), "") <> "" Then
vCopyDown = rec(pstrField)
'Only if we have something to copy down
If Nz(vCopyDown, "") <> "" Then
rec(pstrField) = vCopyDown
End If
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox Error, vbCritical, "Copy Fields Down Records"
CopyFieldRecords = False
GoTo exit_copyrecords
End Function