Loop While Renumbering Two Columns...
This is an oldie but a goody... I needed to loop thru a Recordset after the slides had been added and make sure there were only 140 slides per tray AND make sure they were in sequential order AND I could change the TrayID or the PositionID at any time and still have it reorder...
The difficult I do immediately, the impossible takes a little bit longer.
Private Sub cmdReorganize_Click()
Dim Slide As Database
Dim Present As Recordset
Dim ITray As Integer, IPosit As Integer, IMax As Integer
Set Slide = CurrentDb
Set Present = Slide.OpenRecordset("qryPresentationAddEdit", dbOpenDynaset)
If Not IsNull(Me.txtImageID) Then
IMax = 140 'Set Maximum number for Tray Position
Requery 'Refreshes screen
Present.Requery 'Sorts to ensure first record is lowest value of tray, position
Present.MoveFirst 'Ensures we start at first record
ITray = Present![txtTrayID] 'Init Tray counter to value in first record
IPosit = 1 'forces position 1
Do Until Present.EOF 'loop through to End Of File
If IPosit > IMax Then 'Last one updated was at maximum or last position
IPosit = 1 'Reset
ITray = ITray + 1 'Increment Tray
End If
If ITray < Present![txtTrayID] Then 'Changed tray number, continue numbering from 1 of next tray
IPosit = 1 'Reset
ITray = Present![txtTrayID] 'Set Tray
End If
Present.Edit 'Enable updating
Present![txtPositionID] = IPosit 'Set new Position in Tray
Present![txtTrayIDr] = ITray 'Set new Tray
Present![chkPositionFlag] = 0 'Set Position Flag to OFF
Present.MoveNext 'Move to next record
IPosit = IPosit + 1 'Increment Position in Tray
Loop 'end of EOF do loop
Present.Requery 'Sort records into new order
Requery 'Refreshes screen
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext 'Moves to the next record
Present.Close 'qryPresentationAddEdit
MsgBox "Please look up a Presentation!", vbExclamation
End If
End Sub
Once all the Images for the Presentation had been selected all I had to do was click the Reorganize button (above). If you look at the example (purple circle) some changed to Tray 2 and the PositionID has been adjusted because the limit of 140 slides in Tray 1 had been reached.
Below is the code behind the Reorganize button, have fun!