Customize your Main Menu or Switchboad
Finally, place the code below in the On_Open event of the Forms and Reports that you placed the Image Control on.
Add a personal greeting to the Switchboard or Main Menu...
1. Go to Design View of your Main Menu (or Switchboard)
2. Create a Text Box (and please give it a meaningful name, i.e. txtGreeting)
3. Copy and paste the below string in the Control Source of your Text Box
="Good " & IIf(Hour(Time()) < 12, "Morning", IIf(Hour(Time()) < 16, "Afternoon", "Evening")) & " " & Environ("Username")
4. Close and save your changes
5. Open your Switchboard or Main Menu
Adding\changing the Logo...
You can allow Client's to insert their own logo on the Switchboard or Main Menu (and, if you like Reports). This is especially a nice touch as Users will be able to personalize the database as their own.
The first thing you will need is a separate table the holds the Client's information, i.e. tblCompanyProfile, and then create a Form based on said table.
Then place an Image Control on all the Forms and Reports that will display the Logo and set Picture to (NONE) and Size Mode to Clip. Note, you may need to resize the image to fit. (For the purpose of this example, the Image Control is named imgLogo.)
Adding the Date to the Switchboard or Main Menu...
1. Go to Design View of your Main Menu (or Switchboard)
2. Create a Text Box (and please give it a meaningful name, i.e. txtTodaysDate)
3. Copy and paste the below string in the Control Source of the Text Box
=Format(Date(),"dddd mmmm d"", ""yyyy")
4. Close and save your changes
5. Open your Main Menu (or Switchboard)
Place the code below in the On_Open event of the Form created for the Company's information.
The difficult I do immediately, the impossible takes a little bit longer.
Private Sub Form_Current()
On Error Resume Next
If IsNull([txtImagePath]) Then Exit Sub
Me.imgImage.Picture = Me.txtImagePath
End Sub
Images should not be stored in the database as they tend to take up a lot of space and can quickly grow the database beyond the 2 gig limit.
If IsNull(DLookup("[cpImagePath]", "tblCompanyProfile", "[cpMainCompany]=True")) Then Exit Sub
Me.imgLogo.Picture = DLookup("[cpImagePath]", "tblCompanyProfile", "[cpMainCompany]=True")
There are several ways to control displaying an images...
• Microsoft's DisplayImage()
• Add Logo to Forms and/or Reports (This is the one I prefer.)