Access MVP (2010-2015)


Subscript Out of Range

Several reasons for this…  Could be the Excel spreadsheet has too many columns, could be there is some corruption in the Excel spreadsheet, could be the way Access is translating your columns in Excel, could be there are calculated fields in Excel that Access can’t translate for whatever reason.  Review the checklist below and see if adjusting corrects your issue.


  1. How many columns is the spreadsheet?  An Access table cannot have more then 255 fields.
  2. Do you have any calculated columns?  If you do, insert a column, copy the calculated column and paste just the values to the newly inserted row, then delete the calculated column.
  3. Have you looked at the spreadsheet to confirm there are no errors on the sheet?
  4. Are you using the wizard or did you write some code?  If you wrote some code review for accuracy.
  5. Have you tried it manually?  (You know, File… Import…)  If that works and you are using code you will need to review your code.  Still unsure?  Post code with issue to one fo the Forums posted on the left.
  6. Do your column headings use any Reserved Words (or Wildcard Characters) that might confuse Access?  You will need to adjust those names.  See link below for a complete list.


          And finally, if your database is in Access 2007 or higher, make sure you have Enabled Macros.


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