Access MVP (2010-2015)


Quotes within Quotes (Apostrophes also)

You want to use TEXT as the Control Source of a Control on your Form but you keep getting an error OR it doesn’t show as expected because your text contains an apostrophe or quotation mark(s). For help see chart below…

Control Source Property Result Explanation =”This is literal text.” This is literal text. Literal […]


Maintain Record Position After Update

When updating a record on a Continuous Form it has a tendency to scroll back up to the top. For End Users this can be problematic as they have now lost their place and have to scroll down to find it. Here’s two slightly different Function to prevent that…

This one will cause the record […]


What happened to my Form Icon?

So, you checked Use as Form and Report Icon under Options > Current Database for your customized Icon to show on your Forms and Reports but when you opened your Form (or Report) there’s no icon…

Well, here’s the thing, if you choose No in the Properties window for the Form (or Report) under […]


Appointment Collision Check

You’ve created a database for scheduling appointments, one little problem when entering these appointments you can’t tell if it clashes with another appointment (especially, if you are not the only one entering). You could use a query but I always thought this would be handled better in a Module besides, I had an old database […]


Create a Splash Screen (Simple)

To create a Splash Screen using a Form…

Create a new Form In the Properties Sheet set… Set the Border to None Set Auto Center to Yes Set Pop Up to Yes Set Moveable to No (optional) Set the Timer Interval to the amount of time (in milliseconds) you want the Splash Screen to […]


Expand SubDatasheets

Okay, so we all know I recommend turning off the SubDatasheet but I can see by the Forums they are still quite popular. For those of you that are still using them…

When you first open your Main Form/Subform (Datasheet View) it opens closed (Little plus signs). This is often quite annoying to Users as […]


Limit Number of Record Entries

Every once in a while you may want to restrict how many records can be entered. Maybe because of space limitations on a Report or perhaps you want to limit CD rentals to 4 per Customer or book a specific amount people per room. Whatever the reason here’s some code to make it happen…



Group/Ungroup Controls

This tip is for Access 2007 and up…

Select all the Controls you want to keep together by holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while selecting On the Arrange tab on the Ribbon, select Size/Space then Grouping and click Group/Ungroup


Turn off Datasheet Subform filtering

Tip provided by Don Leverton

Beginning with Access 2007 …

Datasheet style subforms (which I use a LOT of) have been “improved” by offering dropdowns in the top row of fieldnames, which allow filtering and sorting options.

This is something that I DO NOT want!

In order to turn OFF this behavior, go to […]


Set focus to start of field

When you open a Form, the first field (Control) in your preset Tab Stop is always highlighted. This has been known to cause issues…

Users press the Enter key, thereby eliminating the data that was present (and don’t always remember to press Undo). Users begin typing not realizing they are not on a new […]
