Access MVP (2010-2015)


Create a Splash Screen with Progress Bar

Taking the Splash Screen up a notch…

Sometimes you want to load some data before your database opens? You don’t want your Users wondering what’s happening, so here’s a way to keep them advised of the progress. (To download this example click here.)

To use in your database, import the basProgressBar and frmSplash into […]


Tools, Utilities and more…

Recently, I watched Free Tools for Microsoft Access recorded by Crystal Long and Adrian Bell (Microsoft Access MVP’s) on Channel 9. Upon looking at comments below it dawned on me there is no central location for all those great free tools! How is anyone to find them? After all, you may not know they […]


Data Models

Probably the hardest part of designing a database is constructing normalized tables. Get them wrong and everything else is down hill… you can’t get the Forms to do what you want and the Reports just don’t work. Let’s see if any of these can make your job easier…

Clubs (or Associations)



Grocery List […]


Get Initials

I use Initials in Combo Boxes for space conservation on a Form. I don’t depend on the User to enter them, instead, I enter the below in the After_Update event of the Last Name Control on my Form…

Me.txtAssociateInitials = Trim(Left(Me.txtFirstName, 1)) & Trim((" " + Left(Me.txtMiddleInitial, 1))) & Trim((" " + Left(Me.txtLastName, 1)))


Minimize Ribbon

Using just…

CommandBars.ExecuteMso "MinimizeRibbon" ..fails. Why? Because if the Ribbon is already minimized it will actually maximize. So, you need to check the Ribbon state first… If Not CommandBars.GetPressedMso("MinimizeRibbon") Then CommandBars.ExecuteMso "MinimizeRibbon" End If


Undock the Property Sheet

Access 2007 and higher…

While the 4-Pointer cursor is showing, usually when on the Title Bar, click and hold the mouse key and drag. To return it back to its docked position, double-click the Title Bar.


Field Names in ALL CAPS

There will be times when inherit a database and the Field Names are all in capital letters. You want to convert them to CamelCase but when you try they revert back to all capital letters. Here are two different ways to handle that…1. a. Change the Field Name by adding a letter to the end […]


Persistent Connection explained

You just went grocery shopping and your car is full of groceries. Which is faster?

Take bag from car, open door to house, put bag inside house, go back out door closing and locking it behind you, repeat as many times till done


And, here’s the persistent connection part… Take bag from car, open […]
