Access MVP (2010-2015)


Hyperlink to open Forms

You’re using a Continuous Form, you can’t fit all your fields on the Form but you need to see and/or edit the record and you don’t want to use a Command Button. (Sample file located at the bottom of the article.) Here’s an alternate way to open the record with a Field…

Client […]


Sunken Controls

In Access 2003 or lower you set your Controls to have the Sunken effect. You upgraded and now you have lost it. To get the Sunken effect back you must…

1. Go to Design View of your Form

2. Click on the Field(s) you want to have the Sunken effect

3. Select a color […]


Undock the Property Sheet

Access 2007 and higher…

While the 4-Pointer cursor is showing, usually when on the Title Bar, click and hold the mouse key and drag. To return it back to its docked position, double-click the Title Bar.


UNION Queries

A UNION query takes data from two (or more) tables and/or queries and makes it appear as if it is from one source, i.e…

SELECT FieldName, FieldName FROM 1stTableOrQueryName UNION SELECT FieldName, FieldName FROM 2ndTableOrQueryName UNION SELECT FieldName, FieldName FROM 3ndTableOrQueryName;

A few points…

1. UNION queries are READ ONLY, no edits allowed!

2. In […]


Field Names in ALL CAPS

There will be times when inherit a database and the Field Names are all in capital letters. You want to convert them to CamelCase but when you try they revert back to all capital letters. Here are two different ways to handle that…1. a. Change the Field Name by adding a letter to the end […]
