Access MVP (2010-2015)


Quotes within Quotes (Apostrophes also)

You want to use TEXT as the Control Source of a Control on your Form but you keep getting an error OR it doesn’t show as expected because your text contains an apostrophe or quotation mark(s). For help see chart below…

Control Source Property Result Explanation =”This is literal text.” This is literal text. Literal […]


Show the Cents Symbol

To use the cents symbol on your report or in a TEXT field use the extended ASCII 162, so…

Me.YourTextBox & Chr(162)


Show *Enter Password* in a Control

When you have a Log On Form you can indicate what is to be entered by using the Format Property of the Control. By doing it this way the only value stored in the Table is what is entered, Enter Password is only for display.

In the Format Property of the Text or Memo field: […]


Print Constant Number of Lines (or Add a Constant Number of Lines)

This topic comes up from time to time in Forums and the answer usually involves a Temp Table or adding blank records or digging up that Microsoft® Report Utilities, How to Print a Constant Number of Lines per Group, sample which involved adding the controls you wanted to *hide* to the Function.  I thought why […]


Use Replace() to Create a Bullet List

Use the Replace() function to turn your comma delimited values into a bullet list. So…

Specification ID, Alloy, Temper, Gauge, Lot Number

…turns into…

· Specification ID · Alloy · Temper · Gauge · Lot Number

strFields: Chr(183) & " " & Replace([sdFields],", ",Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(183) & " ")

Note, sdFields is the […]


Unit Conversion

***10.14.2018 tlkpUnitConversions has new entries and now includes Categories and Temperature conversions!

While I was working on my Grocery List to Recipe database (don’t ask, only been working on it for a year) I realized there was going to be a need for conversions and why not share? It’s pretty basic and does not include […]


Maintain Record Position After Update

When updating a record on a Continuous Form it has a tendency to scroll back up to the top. For End Users this can be problematic as they have now lost their place and have to scroll down to find it. Here’s two slightly different Function to prevent that…

This one will cause the record […]


Create a Splash Screen with Progress Bar

Taking the Splash Screen up a notch…

Sometimes you want to load some data before your database opens? You don’t want your Users wondering what’s happening, so here’s a way to keep them advised of the progress. (To download this example click here.)

To use in your database, import the basProgressBar and frmSplash into […]


Not in List event

There are many examples of how to handle new entries to Combo Boxes, a.k.a. Not_In_List events. However, the one that is not so easily found is how to handle entries that include more than just what’s in the Combo Box. For example, you’re entering an Order from a new Client and you need more than […]


Appointment Collision Check

You’ve created a database for scheduling appointments, one little problem when entering these appointments you can’t tell if it clashes with another appointment (especially, if you are not the only one entering). You could use a query but I always thought this would be handled better in a Module besides, I had an old database […]
