Access MVP (2010-2015)


Show *Enter Password* in a Control

When you have a Log On Form you can indicate what is to be entered by using the Format Property of the Control. By doing it this way the only value stored in the Table is what is entered, Enter Password is only for display.

In the Format Property of the Text or Memo field: […]


Set focus to start of field

When you open a Form, the first field (Control) in your preset Tab Stop is always highlighted. This has been known to cause issues…

Users press the Enter key, thereby eliminating the data that was present (and don’t always remember to press Undo). Users begin typing not realizing they are not on a new […]


Combining Fields

Combining fields is easy enough BUT when there’s a chance one of the fields might be blank (empty), well, that presents an issue. Especially, when you don’t want the comma, period or dash to show if the adjoining field is blank (empty), ie: Jane . Doe (no Middle Inital so only the period shows) or […]


Remove Carriage Return from imported Excel Spreadsheets

You import a spreadsheet and you noticed in some of your fields you have a little box with a question mark in it (see image below). This is a Carriage Return (Alt+Enter in Excel).

To remove create an UPDATE query and run against the offending field…

UPDATE YourTable SET FieldContainingCarriageReturn = […]
