Access MVP (2010-2015)


Show *Enter Password* in a Control

When you have a Log On Form you can indicate what is to be entered by using the Format Property of the Control. By doing it this way the only value stored in the Table is what is entered, Enter Password is only for display.

In the Format Property of the Text or Memo field: […]


Unit Conversion

***10.14.2018 tlkpUnitConversions has new entries and now includes Categories and Temperature conversions!

While I was working on my Grocery List to Recipe database (don’t ask, only been working on it for a year) I realized there was going to be a need for conversions and why not share? It’s pretty basic and does not include […]


Maintain Record Position After Update

When updating a record on a Continuous Form it has a tendency to scroll back up to the top. For End Users this can be problematic as they have now lost their place and have to scroll down to find it. Here’s two slightly different Function to prevent that…

This one will cause the record […]


What happened to my Form Icon?

So, you checked Use as Form and Report Icon under Options > Current Database for your customized Icon to show on your Forms and Reports but when you opened your Form (or Report) there’s no icon…

Well, here’s the thing, if you choose No in the Properties window for the Form (or Report) under […]


Create a Splash Screen with Progress Bar

Taking the Splash Screen up a notch…

Sometimes you want to load some data before your database opens? You don’t want your Users wondering what’s happening, so here’s a way to keep them advised of the progress. (To download this example click here.)

To use in your database, import the basProgressBar and frmSplash into […]


Appointment Collision Check

You’ve created a database for scheduling appointments, one little problem when entering these appointments you can’t tell if it clashes with another appointment (especially, if you are not the only one entering). You could use a query but I always thought this would be handled better in a Module besides, I had an old database […]


Create a Splash Screen (Simple)

To create a Splash Screen using a Form…

Create a new Form In the Properties Sheet set… Set the Border to None Set Auto Center to Yes Set Pop Up to Yes Set Moveable to No (optional) Set the Timer Interval to the amount of time (in milliseconds) you want the Splash Screen to […]


Procedure View vs. Full Module View

While developing you may find yourself in the VB Editor adjusting the Function for a Control or the Form itself. When it opens you have to hunt down where the cursor is flashing, even though you have clicked the After_Update event for a specific control. There’s an easier way…

When you click the Build button […]


Count characters

Normally, it’s not an issue if an End User tries to type in more characters than the Control will allow… they just can’t type anymore. BUT, if you are using an UNBOUND Form for data entry this is a big problem, they will not be able to Save and with a not so nice message. […]


Limit Number of Record Entries

Every once in a while you may want to restrict how many records can be entered. Maybe because of space limitations on a Report or perhaps you want to limit CD rentals to 4 per Customer or book a specific amount people per room. Whatever the reason here’s some code to make it happen…

