Access MVP (2010-2015)


What happened to my Form Icon?

So, you checked Use as Form and Report Icon under Options > Current Database  for your customized Icon to show on your Forms and Reports but when you opened your Form (or Report) there’s no icon…

Well, here’s the thing, if you choose No in the Properties window for the Form (or Report) under the Control Box then your Icon will not show:

Once you flip that to Yes, it shows.  Yep, apparently that property is basically applied to the entire menu bar on the Form.  So, if you REALLY want your Icon to show you need to set the Control Box to Yes and the Close Button to No.  While it leaves the Close button exposed, clicking on it does nothing.

Tip: If you want the Icon to show but don’t really want any wording you can just put a space in the Caption Property.


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