A little tired of the stock images that come with Access? You can add your own…
Step 1 – In Design Mode of your Form (if the Property Sheet is not open do so now) click on the Command Button. Then in the Property Sheet select the Ellipse button, the one with the three dots, […]
Recently, I watched Free Tools for Microsoft Access recorded by Crystal Long and Adrian Bell (Microsoft Access MVP’s) on Channel 9. Upon looking at comments below it dawned on me there is no central location for all those great free tools! How is anyone to find them? After all, you may not know they […]
If you do Quotes and Invoicing (or Purchase Orders and Invoicing) they generally share the same layout, the only difference being the Label identifying them. Rather than creating to reports you can change the Label Caption depending on which Form you are opening it from.
Probably the hardest part of designing a database is constructing normalized tables. Get them wrong and everything else is down hill… you can’t get the Forms to do what you want and the Reports just don’t work. Let’s see if any of these can make your job easier…
While developing you may find yourself in the VB Editor adjusting the Function for a Control or the Form itself. When it opens you have to hunt down where the cursor is flashing, even though you have clicked the After_Update event for a specific control. There’s an easier way…
“The Microsoft Access 2016 Runtime enables you to distribute Access 2016 applications to Users who do not have the full version of Access 2016 installed on their computers.”
Recently, I saw a post regarding moving a Query (SQL) to VBA. I remember I saw something somewhere that automated this task but could not remember where. Well, after a little surfing of my favorite sites I found it… Copy SQL statement from query to VBA by Allen Browne. And, because I couldn’t leave well […]
Normally, it’s not an issue if an End User tries to type in more characters than the Control will allow… they just can’t type anymore. BUT, if you are using an UNBOUND Form for data entry this is a big problem, they will not be able to Save and with a not so nice message. […]